Are you in search of information regarding LASPOTECH school fees for both new and returning students, whether they are indigene or non-indigene? Then look no further, as this article is specifically tailored for you.
Are you considering enrolling or re-enrolling at Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) and curious about the expenses associated with tuition and fees?
Your search ends here! In this article, we will provide comprehensive details about LASPOTECH’s school fee structure, offering valuable insights and practical tips to help you effectively manage the financial aspects of your academic journey.
But wait, there’s more! Keep reading to explore additional relevant information.
Laspotech School Fees
The amount of LASUSTECH school fees for the upcoming academic session is relatively similar to the previous session unless there is a decision made by the university’s senate to review them. Additionally, the process for checking and making payment for LASUSTECH school fees in the 2024/2025 academic session remains unchanged from the procedure used in the previous session.
Laspotech School Fees For Freshers & Returning Students
- Online application fee: N7,500
- Acceptance fee: N15,500
- Result Screening fee: N2,500
- Clearance Exercise fee: N2,700
- Laspotech mobile fee: N500
- Matriculation Fee: N1,500
- Exam Fee: N5,000
- Annex Due fee: N5,000
LASPOTECH School Fees for ND1 Students
- School fees: ₦27, 950
- Result Screening: ₦2000
- Acceptance: ₦10,000
- Clearance Exercise: ₦2,700
- Exam fees: ₦500
- Annex Due: ₦5000
- Matriculation: ₦1,500
- Laspo mobile: ₦500
LASPOTECH School Fees for ND2 Students
- School fees: ₦25,810
- Exam fees: ₦5, 000
- Laspo mobile: ₦500
LASPOTECH School Fees ND3 students
- School fees: ₦27,110
- Exam fees: ₦5000
- Laspo mobile: ₦500
LASPOTECH School Fees ND Repeaters
ND1: N20,950
ND2: N17,450
ND3: N9,450
Laspotech School Fees for HND
Fee Description HND1 Diplomate HND1 Non-Diplomate HND 2 HND Repeater
Acceptance Fee N15,000 N15,000 NIL NIL
School Fee N28,000 N30,500 N27,500 N19,500
Kindly be aware that LASUSTECH requires payment of school fees for both fresh and returning students every year, rather than per semester. It is essential to make the payment exclusively through LASUSTECH’s official portal and not through any external agents or platforms.
The school fees at Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) play a significant role in the decision-making process for prospective and returning students. By understanding the structure and details of LASPOTECH’s school fees, students can effectively plan their education expenses and make informed decisions regarding their academic journey.